JA Europe is the largest and leading organisation dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed through hands-on, experiential learning in entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial health. In the last school year, the JA Europe network provided 6 million learning experiences for youth in online, in person and blended formats.
JA Europe, as the Skills4Retail project coordinator, leads Work Packages 1 and 4, co-leads WP6, and partakes in WPs 2, 3, 4, and 5. Main duties include coordinating partners, overseeing deliverables, and managing governance via Steering Committee meetings and an Advisory Board. JA Europe also ensures the success of national pilot actions in schools, contributes to developing a new skills strategy and training curricula, supports local programme implementation, and promotes dissemination in the retail sector and beyond.
JA also contributes to design the dedicated training modules for upskilling and reskilling existing and new retail workforce. Through our 100 years’ history of equipping youth with the skill sets and mindsets to build thriving communities, we bring an entrepreneurial approach to the reskilling of the European retail sector to deliver on the green and digital transitions.